Don Quixote and his heroes

3-15 May 2022, Gallery Paulo de Brito, Bahnhofstr. 1D, 82319 Starnberg (Germany)

Natalia Alf - Helmuth Hager - Christiane Herold

Photo: Christiane Herold

The truth about Sancho Pansa (Franz Kafka)

Over the years, Sancho Panza, who never boasted of this, managed to distract his devil, to whom he later gave the name Don Quixote, by providing a lot of novels about knights and robbers in the evening and at night, in such a way that the devil then performed the craziest acts without any foundation, but which, in the absence of a predetermined object, which should have been Sancho Panza, did no harm to anyone. Sancho Panza, a free man, followed the Don Quixote on his trains with indifference, perhaps out of a certain sense of responsibility, and had a great and useful conversation about it until the end.

Photo: Helmuth Hager

The truth about Don Quixote (Christiane Herold)

Don Quixote, who, by the way, always boasted of this, succeeded in the course of the years, by internalizing a lot of chivalry novels and heroic myths in the evening and night hours, to convince his devil, to whom he later gave the name Sancho Panza, of himself through great promises in such a way that he then accepted the craziest deeds without hesitation, but which, for lack of a predetermined object, did not harm anyone except Don Quixote himself. Sancho Panza, a seemingly free man, perhaps out of a certain pleasure in sensation, followed Don Quixote on his trains and had a great and useful conversation from that to the end, and thousands of followers who praised the high ideals of Don Quixote.

Photo: Natalia Alf






Visitor information:

Opening hours:
 Tuesday - Sunday 15-18 hrs

Vernissage: Tuesday, 2022-05-03, 6 p.m.


Gallery Paulo de Brito

Bahnhofstr. 1D
82319 Starnberg